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Notable members Damien Quidd, Victorai Quidd
Inherent abilities Undead, strength, fangs for blood sucking

A Vampire is an undead creature who prolongs their life by sucking the blood of its victims. New Prairie has had a great influx of Vampires in it's lifetime.

General Info

  • Can be out during the day time, just not prolong exposure. Extended stays in the sunlight will cause them to grow weaker over time.
  • Do cast shadows
  • Are able to hide their fangs and produce them at will
  • Do age but 4 times slower than the average person, require a “reboost” from a ‘Pureblood’ in order to maintain a longer life
  • Any wounds sustained will quickly heal and vanish except for the bite marks that created the vampire or any burn marks from being exposed to direct sunlight for too long. They will remain for the entire duration of the vampire’s life.


  • Physical strength
  • Fast healing
  • Immortal except to wooden stakes
  • Able to move swiftly and quickly


  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • Certain wooden stakes
  • Different types of wood have different effects on vampires
  • Most stakes will burn the vampire upon touching it themselves
  • A ‘killing stake’ will turn the vampire into dust within 2 seconds of penetration

Becoming One

  • A pre-existing vampire must suck the blood from the wrist of another, leave the victim be for 12 hours and then “feed” them blood from the pre-existing vampire’s body. (Biting alone without the “feeding” will only kill the individual)
  • A dead person can become a vampire, but they’re considered weaker in the race, having not come from a living being

Killing A Vampire

Wooden Stake

Different wood types cause different effects on general vampires.



  • The body of the individual
  • The book of spells
  • 2 personal items closest to the individual
  • 1 blood sacrifice
  • 1 Temp Vampire

Regional Vampire Differences

Vampires greatly depending upon the region of the world they are from. Some have drastically different facial appearances, some can stand being out in daylight, others are more traditional.

The known regional vampire species are:

  • Eastern European - Traditional vampires. Sleep in coffins, killed with a stake through the heart, can't be out in daylight, hate garlic, telepathic.
  • South American - Killed with a stake through the forehead
  • Norht American - Killed with a stake through the spine

Known Vampires