Catherine Gifford

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Catherine Gifford
Born Catherine Anne Gifford
(1971-02-10) February 10, 1971 (age 53)
Appleton, WI
Occupation Bank teller, drive-in owner

Catherine Gifford worked as a bank teller and and eventually opened Dusty's Drive-in.


Moved to New Prairie in 1988 with her parents. In 1991 dated Dustin Thompson for a few months before the two broke up. Shortly after, dated Eugene Niron until Niron’s temper flared when she mentioned Dustin's name. The fight escalated rapidly and ended in a car accident caused by Eugene chasing Catherine in his car in August of 1991. In June of 1992, she was released from the hospital and immediately started taking Karate lessons to learn to protect herself in future situations.


In 1994, she got a job working at Stewart Savings & Loan Bank. In summer of 1995, she was among others who were held at gun point as hostages by Eugene Niron. While being held hostage, she realized one of the others is Dustin. The two start to fall back in with one another again. Moments after the police think they’ve taken Eugene down, she is kidnapped by him and taken to the top of the Derelli Towers located across the street. There he injured her and waited for Dustin to arrive, where the two fight, eventually sending Eugene over the edge.

Dustin and Catherine start dating, but break up in 1999. After their breakup, Catherine opens a drive-in a few miles outside of town called "Dusty Drive-In".

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